The SMT580 is a 3U PXI Express to PCI Express printed circuit board (PCB) adapter.
Developping an FPGA firmware, a DSP application or a host-side program in a 3U PXI Express chassis is not convenient. First of all the 3U PXI Chassis are closed and the access is difficult for debugging, and secondly the embedded controller is not designed to install development software tools such as Xilinx ISE, Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio, NI Labview or MATLAB/Simulink...
So, this piece of hardware has been designed for design engineers requiring to develop a 3U PXI Express-based solution from their traditional test desktop computer.
A photograph and a diagram illustrating the SMT580 are available from:
Important note
The SMT580 is only compatible with desktop PCs without any case (e.g. it cannot be used with tower PC types). The SMT580 converts a PXI Express bus into a PCI Express. So, enough clearance is required to fit the 3U PXI Express module in the desktop PC.
The SMT580 has the following features:
- Main power-supply taken from the PCI Express connector,
- Auxiliary +3.3Vdc and +12Vdc power rails available from the SMT580,
- Compatible with all 3U PXI Express modules,
- Reset button available on the SMT580,
- Compatible with PCI x1, x4, and x8 lanes.
PXI Express connector (XJ3):
- PCI Reference clock from PCI Express bus (Desktop PC)
- Only 8 PCI Express lanes routed
PXI Trigger connector (XJ4):
- Only +3.3Vdc, +12Vdc and GND signals connected
- Other pins left unconnected
PCI Express connector:
- +3.3Vdc, +12Vdc lines and GND lines are routed
- Only 8 PCI Express lanes routed
PCI lane selection (JP1):
- Select the number of PCI Express lanes: x1 (default), x2, x4 or x8
Auxiliary Power connector (JP3):
- +3.3Vdc (pins 6-8), +12Vdc (pins 2-4) and GND (pins 1-3-5-7)
Reset Push-button (SW1):
- Reset the 3U PXI Express module and routed to the PCI Express reset lines